Synchrony: One day at all times

Synchrony (one day at all times) is a 24hrs a site and online live event featuring a sound work for piano by artist Lorena Mal (Mexico city) which polyrhythmic relations are based on the pulse rhythms of different living organisms, setting unexpected encounters and silence intervals, while crossing the states of sleep, hibernation, calm and activity of different bodies through the passing hours of a whole day.  

This work is a preambule of the upcoming exhibtion Common Frequencies at Biobat gallery as part of her long research project Synchrony (2015-2021) that comprise archival objects, modified metronomes, scores and a performance for 2 pianos and multiple interpreters. Common Frequencies is a binational project curated by Elisa Gutierrez, also featuring works by Marcela Armas, Tania Candiani, Gilberto Esparza and Interespecifics.

  • 00:00 a 05:15 –5hrs 15′ hibernación
  • 05:15 a 10:30 –5hrs 15′ sueño
  • 10:30 a 18:45 — 8hrs 15′ calma, de las 12 a las 16 en OldStone House (incluye fragmentos de la pieza en colaboración con Emilio Hinojosa)
  • 18:45 a 22:45 — 4hrs actividad
  • 22:45 a 23:15 — 30′ máximo
  • 23:15 a 23:59 — 60′ sueño